日本好易购宗旨ABOUT US
而且東西包萝万有,不限地区,不限商店,不限货品,不限数量,少至一支唇膏,我都有能力搜尋到最平宜价錢,向你報價,而且集斉你所需之货物,我有專人打包装箱,從日本寄到你手中,door to door 喔!
此外,我们与日本的托运公司是長期合作伙伴,能以低于一般托运公司的價格,以最低的运费成本,把货品door to door, 寄到客户手中。所以你只需專心推广你想賣的産品,搜貨/採購/托运,我会以最低价錢,最妥服務,一应全包。不用去日本,省時間/省机票/省住宿/省人力,便能把日本所有東西,放在你網店出售。
Raku Raku is a platform that cost-effectively delivers any product from Japan to you, door to door! By comparing each supplier, we offer the lowest cost for the enquired product. We also provide storage and packing services in Japan up to 60 days. In other words, you can accumulate and ship the purchased items with the best shipping rate. Save the cost of flight tickets, accommodation, time and labour by using Raku Raku! Whether you are purchasing individually or with a group, we welcome all that are interested in purchasing from Japan to use our service.